Azure Devops Service Tag NSG Rule
If you need to enable the Service Tags for your NSG or Firewall pointing to the Azure DevOps Service tag, run:
az network nsg rule create -g MYRESOURCEGROUP –nsg-name MYNSG -n AzureDevOps –priority 400 –source-address-prefixes VirtualNetwork –destination-address-prefixes Storage –destination-port-ranges ‘*’ –direction Inbound –access Allow –protocol Tcp –description “Allow Azure DevOps Services."
comments powered by DisqusThe Service Tag does not apply to Microsoft Hosted Agents. Customers are still required to allow the entire geography for the Microsoft Hosted Agents. If allowing the entire geography is a concern, we recommend using the Azure Virtual Machine Scale Set Agents. The Scale Set Agents are a form of self-hosted agents that can be autoscaled to meet your demands.
Justin Chung - Azure DevOps Service Tag Released